Ring A: 8/18: Limciela

Jim Taylor
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[ Limciela | Smooth English | Phonology | Vocabulary | Abbrevs. ]

<< Carrajena Aingeljã >>


Un manena in deicemver un guam de bocs axevá sup l’autobia, ma pam sistúi a uli sèmáfors, cadúi sup l’autobia e cadúi sup le nas. Le guam de bocs tendevá a l’ast pam eic ocurrúi. Topaui un arvor parb e li miaus de un cat sandarac erán audíts. L’anìmál erá devil tap le guam de bocs conaui a dar confidemic a l’ anìmál. Depost le guam de bocs, pos de havér xactát del pam a lì e pos de havér pensát vem la situaic, reirúi a su auto. Ma le cat sandarac nom erá comsolát. Le cat se reflexát in l’omvra del arvor, ma erá muic de xel. Domp se movét ulic l’omvra, intendét in se defendér a palcomp mòmém. Le guam de bocs reinciaui in l’auto e vaúi a sua casa. Per muic del diurn erá comtém com le cat e sus miaus.

Smooth Translation

One morning in December a boxing glove was driving down the road, but when it stopped at some traffic lights, it fell onto the road and landed on its nose. The boxing glove was heading into town when this happened. It bounded into a small tree and the miaos of a bright orange cat could be heard. The animal was weak, so the boxing glove tried to reassure the animal. Then the boxing glove, having thrown some bread to it and having thought the situation through, returned straight away to his car. But the bright orange cat was not consoled. The cat stretched out in the shade of the tree, but there was a lot of frost. And so it moved itself beyond the shade, intent on defending itself at any given moment. The boxing glove got back in the car and went home. For much of the day he was pleased with the cat and its miaos.


(ch = as in church, sh = as in ship, ~ = nasalises preceeding vowel, ë = neutral schwa vowel, acute accent = stress)

/un mënénin dëché~ver un gwá~ dë boks ëshvá sup lotubía, më pá~ sistúi oli sëmáfurs, këdúi sup lotubía e këdúi sup lë nás. lë gwá~ dë boks tendëváá lást pa~ ech ukurúi. tupáwi un ërvór párb e li miaws dëun kát sëndárëk ërán odíts. lënimál ëra dévil tap lë gwá~ dë boks kunáwië dár kunfidé~chë lënimál. dëpóst lë gwá~ dë boks, pós dëvér shëktát dël pá~ ëlí e pós dëvér pënsát vé~ lë sitwách, rëirúi(ë) su ótu. më lë kát sëndárëk nu~ ërá ku~sulát. lë kát së rëflëshát in lu~vrë, intëndét in së dëfëndér ë pëlkó~p mumé~. lë gwá~ dë boks rëincháwin lótu e vëúi ë swé kásë. për múch dël zúrn ërá ku~té~ ku~ lë kát e sus miáws./


Here is the vocabulary used in the text with the roots from which it is
derived. All the derivations are given in Latin, unless otherwise indicated.

a > AD
anìmál > ANIMALIS
arvor > ARBOR
ast > ASTU (Grk.)
audíts > AUDIRE
auto > AUTO (Fr.)
autobia > AUTO (Fr.) + VIA
axevá > AGERE
bocs > BOXING (Eng.)
cadúi > CADERE
casa > CASA
cat > CATUS
com > CUM
comsolát CONSOLARI
comtém > CONTENTUS
conaui > CONARI
confidemic > CONFIDENTIA
dar > DARE
de > DE
defendér > DEFENDERE
deicemver > DECEMBER
Depost > DE + POST
devil > DEBILIS
domp > DUNQUE
e > ET
eic > HIC
erá > ESSE
erán > ESSE
guam > GUANTE (Sp.)
havér > HABERE
in > IN
l’ > ILLE
la > ILLE
le > ILLE
li > ILLE
lì > ILLE
ma > MA (It.)
manena > MANE
miaus > MIAOW (Eng.)
mòmém > MOMENTUS
movét > MOVERE
muic > MULTUS
nas > NASUS
nom > NON
ocurrúi > OCCURRERE
omvra > UMBRA
pam > PANIS
pam > QUANDO
parb > PARVUS
pensát > PENSARE
per > PER
reflexát REFLEXARE
reinciaui > RE + INIRE
reirúi > REDDERRE
sandarac > SANDARAKINOS (Grk.)
se > SE
sèmáfors > SEMÁFORO (Sp.)
sistúi > INSISTERE
situaic > SITUS
su > SUUS
sup > SUPER
tap > ITAQUE
tendevá > TENDERE
topaui > TOPAR
uli > ULLUS
ulic > ULTRA
un > UNUS
vaúi > VADERE
vem > BENE
xactát > IACTARE
xel > GELU


(Eng.) = English
(Fr.) = French
(Grk.) = Classical Greek
(It.) = Italian
(Sp.) = Spanish

<< Carrajena Aingeljã >>



March 19th, 2006
Comments? Suggestions? Corrections? You can drop me a line.