Ring B: 13/20: Old Albic

Jörg Rhiemeier
[ Relay 13 | Ring A | Ring B | Ring C | Conlangs | Participants ]
[ Old Albic | Smooth English | Interlinear | Grammar | Vocabulary ]

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Old Albic

Lathá am talal san nara Amalirom jalom.

Acvama a adrana hassar a availara om jalom. Avansa Amaliro baralal ontol phelegel ardanal amal sajal. Naila hassar tal neternsa Amaliro a ternasa ciph lañ thererin cherenth.

Sophandaras asata mørdin. Atamphara o jalo charsas amal philigil mar a phelega na alajarsa. Acraphara a phelega phandar omol jalomol mai hermeri eterara o jalo nacvamas amal ciphil soleñgirorol.

Aselthenera om jalom nacvameri ciphili os soleñgiros, mar hestelli aracara Amaliro saphañ hailantha a availara nara cvamas ciphil saldal.

Smooth Translation

Hear this tale about the young man Amaliro.

Winter came and passed by, and the young man was happy. Amaliro dwelt in a stone tower in a field near the sea. During a long winter Amaliro watched out and saw a white ship of ice sailing.

On his shoulder sat a blackbird. The young man tried to drive the bird away, but the bird did not move. The bird grasped the young man's shoulder when at last the young man saw his teacher's ship approach.

The young man was anxious about the approach of his teacher's ship, but nevertheless Amaliro reached out his hand to greet and was happy about the arrival of the ship at the shore.


Lathá          am    talal san    nara  Amalirom    jalom.
hear-3SG:P-IMP the:I tale  this:I about Amaliro-OBJ youth-M-OBJ

Acvama       a   adrana       hassar
A-come-3SG:P and A-pass-3SG:P winter

a   availara         om        jalom.
and A-happy-be-3SG:P the:M-OBJ youth-M-OBJ

Avansa        Amaliro baralal   ontol     phelegel
A-dwell-3SG:A Amaliro tower-LOC stone-LOC field-LOC

ardanal  amal      sajal.
near-LOC the:I-LOC sea-LOC

Naila  hassar tal  neternsa         Amaliro
during winter long watch-IMPF-3SG:A Amaliro

a   ternasa              ciph  lañ   thererin cherenth.
and see-IMPF-3SG:P-3SG:A ship  white ice-of   sail-AP

Sophandaras        asata       mørdin.
3SG:M-shoulder-LOC A-sit-3SG:P blackbird

Atamphara         o     jalo    charsas       amal      philigil
A-try-3SG:P-3SG:A the:M youth-M drive.away-VN the:C-LOC bird-LOC

mar a         phelega  na  alajarsa.
but the:C-AGT bird-AGT not A-move-3SG:A

Acraphara           a         phelega  phandar  omol      jalomol
A-grasp-3SG:P-3SG:A the:C-AGT bird-AGT shoulder the:M-LOC youth-M-LOC

mai  hermeri eterara           o         jalo
when at.last A-see-3SG:P-3SG:A the:M-AGT youth:M-AGT

nacvamas    amal      ciphil   soleñgirorol.
approach-VN the:I-LOC ship-LOC 3SG:M-teacher-GEN-LOC

Aselthenera        om        jalom       nacvameri
A-anxious-be-3SG:P the:M-OBJ youth:M-OBJ approach-VN-INST

ciphili       os        soleñgiros,
ship-LOC-INST the:M-GEN 3SG:M-teacher-GEN

mar hestelli     aracara                 Amaliro saphañ   hailantha
but nevertheless A-reach.out-3SG:P-3SG:A Amaliro 3SG-hand greet-AP-AGT

a   availara         nara  cvamas      ciphil   saldal.
and A-happy-be-3SG:P about arrive-VN   ship-LOC shore-LOC


In this section, the symbol ° represents a vowel that assimilates to the
nearest vowel in the word.


Intervocalic /s/ becomes /r/ in most cases.

Vowels preceding /a/ are lowered; vowels preceding /i/ are fronted;
vowels preceding /u/ are rounded.  Precedence is from right to left.
If the preceding morpheme has two vowels, both are umlauted.

Two subsequent short vowels of the same quality merge into a long vowel.


Animate nouns have an agentive stem (AS) and an objective stem (OS).
The AS is the citation form of the noun; the OS is formed with the
ending -m for human and by clipping off the final vowel for non-human nouns.
Inanimate nouns have only an OS (citation form) and no AS.

The case endings are:

agentive         AS-0
genitive         AS-s
dative           AS-n
objective        OS-0
instrumental     OS-i
locative         OS-°l
allative         OS-°n
ablative         OS-°d

Suffixaufnahme after genitive and locative endings occurs in the text.

A possessive prefix so- 'his' occurs in the text.

Plurals do not occur in the text.


Aorist (narrative tense/perfective aspect)  is formed with the prefix °-.
Imperfect (imperfective past) is formed with the suffix -n.

Personal suffixes occuring in the text are:

  -sa  3rd person singular agent
  -a   3rd person singular patient
  -a   (2nd person agent) imperative

Intransitive verbs have one or the other suffix, depending on semantics.
Transitive verbs have both suffixes, first the patient, then the agent.

Infinite forms that occur in the text are the verbal noun in -°s
and the agentive participle in -°nth.

The following page should answer most of any grammar questions you might



a            cnj. and.
a                 common gender definite article.
am                inanimate definite article.
Amaliro           a proper name
ardan        n.   nearness, vicinity.
baral        n.   tower.
chars-       vt.  to drive away.
cher-        vi.  to sail.
ciph         n.   ship.
craph-       vt.  to grasp.
cvam-        vi.  to come.
dran-        vt.  to pass.
hail-        vt.  to greet
hassar       n.   winter.
hermeri      adv. at last.
hestelli     adv. nevertheless.
jalo         n.   young man.
lajar-       vi.  to move.
lañ          adj. white.
lath-        vt.  to hear.
leñgiro      n.   teacher.
mar          cnj. but.
mordena      n.   blackbird.(OS: mørdin)
naila        prp. during.
nacvam-      vi.  to approach.
nara         prp. about.
neter-       vi.  to watch out.
o                 masculine definite article.
ont          n.   stone.
phandar      n.   shoulder.
phañ         n.   hand.
pheleg       n.   field.
phelega      n.   bird (objective case: philig).
rac-         vt.  to reach out.
saj          n.   sea.
sald         n.   shore.
san          dem. this.
sat-         vi.  to sit.
selthener-   vi.  to be anxious.
tal          adj. long.
talal        n.   tale.
tamph-       vt.  to try.
ter-         vt.  to see.
thererin     adj. of ice.
vailar-      vi.  be happy.
van-         vi.  to dwell.

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March 6th, 2006
Comments? Suggestions? Corrections? You can drop me a line.