Ring B: 13/22: Kēlen

Sylvia Sotomayor
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[ Kēlen | Smooth English | Grammar | Vocabulary ]

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la jasāla jatēnāŋŋe nīkan macēna nīkan macūma;

sanna jasāla jīsōra ānen ansōri þō:

se jalāña mo jāŋŋeren jēspe sū ñēim manaren mē;
se jalāña mo jalō ja senne ancālle il jalōna;
se jalāña mo jakō ja senne ancōna jē anpīña;
se jalāña mo jī&lgr,lambda;āela jahāmmi sū japīþjenle mē;

se jasāla mo mamōri ma setenne anxāeli anīlli;
se jasāla mo mūrāni ma setenne anrēli anhēi;
se jasāla mo jātaren ja senne jatāña jaxēwa;
se jasāla mo jālnaren ja senne jālte jakīþje;

āl ñanna lekū rājōl rā mērji ma setenne mīsien cī;
sanna jasāla ien jaþīña ja hejenne to anrēha ja ñi jānne rā ancāna;

semme jacāna ke macēna mo macūma;
semme jacāna ke macūma mo macēna;
sennete jālneha il jaliþa il lānnal tēna ī;

ñi þo jehē cī;

Smooth Translation

The marriage song of woman and man

We repeat this song with these words:

Give praise for the beauty remaining in all of us.
Give praise for the light which gives us daily warmth.
Give praise for the hearth which gives us safety from evil.
Give praise for the harvest grains in our storage.

Give song for the moons who give us silvery nights.
Give song for the winds who give us good weather.
Give song for the Ataren-tree that gives us shady shelter.
Give song for the joy that gives us strong health.

Now let's lift our hands up to the gods who give us children.
We sing the song that is the path the future brings us that starts towards love.

The woman gives love to the man.
The man gives love to the woman.
We give them good fortune today and all tomorrows also.

Let this be truth.


Nouns are inflected in the following ways:

prefixed with j(a)- for inanimate nouns
prefixed with m(a)- for animate and animate collective nouns
prefixed with an- for collective nouns and abstract or descriptive nouns
prefixed with l(e)- for 1p obligatorily possessed nouns. Obligatorily possessed nouns only take a singular suffix, even when referring to more than one object.
suffixed with -a, -e, or nothing for singular nouns
suffixed with -i for collective nouns, animate collective nouns, and inanimate plural nouns
suffixed with -ien for animate plural nouns

Nouns in apposition with the same inflection refer to the same entity.
Nouns in apposition with different infections refer to different entities, usually with a WHOLE PART relationship.

There are no verbs. Instead there are relationals:

LA takes a single object: something that exists in a state or a location.
NI takes a single object: something that has undergone a change of state or location.
NI {object} LOCATIVE denotes motion of the object.
SE takes a single object: something that has a source and/or a goal. The goal in SE often refers to an experiencer or beneficiary. SE is often used to express utterances. SE also prefers to have singular objects, even of otherwise abstract nouns.

The uninflected forms of these three relationals are:


LA is never inflected for person.
NI is never inflected for tense or aspect.
NI and SE can be inflected for person. When NI is inflected for person, it is inflected for agent. When SE is inflected for person, it can be inflected for source and/or goal. The following inflections are used:

-anna 1p.incl.paucal agent or source
-emme 3p.sg agent of source + 3p.sg goal
-enne 1p.incl.paucal goal
-ennete 1p.incl.paucal agent or source + 3p.paucal goal
-etenne 3p.paucal agent or source + 1p.incl.paucal goal
1p first person
3p third person
incl. inclusive
sg. singular

Paucal number is often used to refer to a collective.

Additionally, both LA and SE can be inflected for tense or aspect. Only the following inflection is used.

hej- future tense plus optative aspect: will, should, hoped for

Word order is:

Relational Object-of-Relational Rest-of-the-Sentence Mood-Marker. Parallel prepositional phrases (beginning with the same preposition) are assumed to have an unexpressed conjunction 'and' between them. Locative prepositions must have an object. When the object is abstract or unexpressed, an epenthetic -j- is affixed between the preposition and the locative modifier.


āl now
-ālnaren- (N) joy in the occasion, happiness, euphoria
-ālneh- (N) good fortune
-ālt- (N) health, well-being
ānen comitative preposition: with
-ānn- (N) beginning, start
-āŋŋeren- (N) beauty
-ātaren (N) a specific kind of tree
-cāll- (N) warmth
-cān- (N) love
-cēn- (N) woman, female
commissive mood marker - used when something should happen or will happen because of the speaker's will.
-cōn- (N) safety, defense
-cūm- (N) man, male
-ehē (N) truth, sincerity, integrity
-ērj- (N) deity, power
-ēsp- (N) remaining, staying
-hāmm- (N) grain
-hē- (N) good
ī and, also
ien relative pronoun occuring only with the object of SE
il time word marker: during, when, while; also used simply to prefix words like today or tomorrow, which are not regular nouns and so not inflected for animacy or number.
-īll- (N) silver, also moonlight
-ī&lgr,lambda;āel- (N) harvest
-īsōr- (N) repetition, recitation
-īs- (N) child
preposition: against, in opposition to, from
ja inanimate relative pronoun
jaliþa today
ke animate source marker with SE
-kīþj- (N) strength, not necessarily physical strength
-kō- (N) hearth
-kū- (N) hand
lānnal tomorrow
-lāñ- (N) praise, thanks
-lō- (N) light
-lōn- (N) day
ma animate relative pronoun
manaren everyone, all of us/them
locative modifier: in, inside, into
mo goal or benefactive marker with SE
-mōr- (N) moon (poetic)
nīkan possessive preposition
-nle 1p possessive suffix: my, our
ñēim us (3p.incl.paucal)
ōl locative modifier: up, above
-pīñ- (N) evil
-pīþj- (N) storage
locative preposition: to, towards
-rēh- (N) future
-rēl- (N) breath, air, also weather in many noun phrases
-sāl- (N) song, prayer
-sōr- (N) word
locative preposition: at, in
-tāñ- (N) screen, shelter
tēna all (of a set)
-tēnāŋŋ- (N) marriage, wedding
to inanimate source marker with SE
-þīñ- (N) path
þō this, here
-ūrān- (N) wind
-xāel- (N) night
-xēw- (N) shade, shadow

(N designates a noun stem)

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February 19th, 2007
Comments? Suggestions? Corrections? You can drop me a line.