Conlang Relay 14: Ring A

[ Relay 14 | Horizontally | Ring B | Ring C | Toki Pona | Participants | Conlangs ]

Kash – Roger MillsSmooth English


(PART 1)

[titanju mandil yaveleto mesa çendere kendulan re yu memende yarungarona, i çender ya yañurundo ri hendiñ çenderi liya, yarungotato lusok mandilin:]

mam [aran] mandu hate [aran] maçeret alo lerowi tayu tayanju çelum, pun ri anjuçni ambinda iti andulañ, pun ri leroç londo lero londo ripa, kavan kravan, andoye andeçe, i mikasito mifarekto ri vunuweni angayimim velu, yunda-yunda vakep çumesa ri haniyumbim i eningambrim. sañ hate mamepunduñ sisami eçurami ri yuno leroç amaraç.

[i çender liya yameputo yakotato kuwani]

(PART 2)

[titanju yakotato mandil:] ara mihimaçema.

[i yunoni re uritan ikotato iti irinjurato:]

amalero pakrunjanga ri angayini,
parenende yunda praçukakranga,
kinda i çendripa, paracungi re iyunjuk,
supruna, parukayaka ondreçni,
matralap, endo leñ praçufatti lirini,
inderoçe, praçukosanga anju ifosi ri nihindi,
çeñanga, parucapuska lambani, rumulunga katiçni,
ama krahake, nile praveleka amuluñ i lunduñ,
anacangatila, yanda pravingaski peña-peñani,
kendulala mimik mepu sisa, nin praçeretki
hila çehamala eme pratiçala yunohi, nin prasarengi rungaronaki
anju ikasi ifarek ri vunuweni yam amacan yam sisani.
endo sañ, nakayi, endo sañ ri yuno leroç amaraç.


(PART 1)

[Now the priest will give a golden chain that he has just blessed, to one of the candidates, and the candidate will place it on the neck of the other candidate, and recite after the priest:]

I [name] bind myself to you [name] from this day forward, whether in times of happiness or sadness, whether in days (full) of sun or rain, in good health or bad, wealth or poverty, and we will set forth on the course of our new life, always bound and united in soul and body. Thus I pledge to you my love and honor forever.

[And the other candidate will do and recite the same]

(PART 2)

[Now the priest will say:] Let us pray to/call upon/ the Spirits

[And everyone in attendance will say or sing:]

Father Sun, shine upon their life,
Sky, be always clear,
Earth and Rain, help them to grow,
Sister Vuruna, illuminate their nights,
Brother Lalap, let your behavior toward them be good,
Mother Sea, be calm when they sail on your surface,
Wind, inflate their sail(s) and cool their faces,
Forest, give them shade and shelter,
Rock Spirits, do not obstruct their path,
Little (golden) chains made of love, bind them,
All you Spirits and Cousins too, guide and bless them
when they set forth on their course with faith and love.
May it be so, verily, may it be so forever.

[ Full Description | Grammar | Vocabulary ]

Þrjótrunn – Henrik TheilingSmooth English

Séttjó á rít nyptur

(Pars ú)

Hákur deð saktars spósas eyriköllrirsu tög hef þuð bindétt úst etti, eð spóssis mitt þissuð spæsinis sve, eð þiss rékið kvæsig:]

Já, Mörkur, ligust á höði að té, Mer, í þélk eð tríst tjöppri, í sól eð plý, sánur eð jögrur, ríkur eð peypir, eð hefja kyrrir uttur kú ún sól spírt eð ún sól korpur. Já úra að dönn tif ömur mjú eð honur mjú hákur eð itinmett.

Eð spæsinsa dík jöklur þissi:

Já, Mer, ligust á höði að té, Mörk, í þélk eð tríst tjöppri, í sól eð plý, sán eð jagur, rík eð peypir, eð hefja kyrrir uttur kú ún sól spírt eð ún sól korpur. Já úra að dönn tif ömur mjú eð honur mjú hákur eð itinmett.

(Pars dve)

Hákur dík saktars:

Prökmur nær!

Eð onnir pjörni prestir prekið autt kattið kvæsig:

Ör, erttu seppir klárr,
Þæfur, splintu í véttsa,
Ólnur, ípittu né vjá þissur,
Kirir, eittu þissa kréskir,
Dján, splintu að nótt,
Njöpnur, erttu trökill kvanda þissa nægað í supirþik tvo,
Olur, íflátu vélsa, réþrígtu últarsar þissur,
Þaunn, dátu þissir umbur eð prótíttjun,
Þortun, erttu bon þissir,
Ænn í eyriköllrirsu ömurrsir, kúlegtu þissa,
Álfi eð ýltipopull, kúdýkt ær þissa að issinn bindétt,
kvanda þissa kúittað að uttur kyrrinn kú ömur eð kúþínt.
Kvæsig sjá þissuð hákur eð itinmett.

Section from a Wedding Ceremony

(Part One)

Now the priest shall give the groom the golden ring which shall just have been blessed, and the groom puts it on his bride, and he shall recite thusly:

I, Marcus, bind myself from this day forward to you, Mary, in happy and sad times, in sun and rain, healthy and ill, rich and poor, and will walk together with one single spirit and one single body. I swear to give you my love and my honour, now and in eternity.

And the bride will say the same to him:

I, Mary, bind myself from this day forward to you, Marcus, in happy and sad times, in sun and rain, healthy and ill, rich and poor, and will walk together with one single spirit and one single body. I swear to give you my love and my honour, now and in eternity.

(Part Two)

Now the priest shall say:

Let us pray!

And all present people with pray or sing thusly:

Jupiter, be always clear,
Phoebus, shine in life,
Vulcanus, do not hinder their way,
Ceres, help them grow,
Diana, shine at night,
Neptune, be calm when they sail upon thy surface,
Aeolus, inflate the sails, refresh their faces,
Faunus, give them shadow and protection,
Fortuna, be good to them,
Venus in the golden necklace of love, bind them together,
Elves and small people, lead them to be blessed,
when they begin to walk together with love and trust.
So be it now and eternally.

[ Full Description | Grammar | Vocabulary ]

toki pona – Jim HenrySmooth English

wan tan toki awen: nasin ni la jan li wan e meli e mije

wan pi nanpa wan

tenpo ni la, jan lawa pi nasin sewi li pana e sike pi kiwen jelo tawa mije. (jan lawa pi nasin sewi li pona e sike pi kiwen jelo.) mije li pana e ona tawa meli ona. mije li toki e ni:

mi [nimi mije] li wan e mi e sina [nimi meli]. tenpo pona la, tenpo ike la, tenpo suno la, tenpo pi anpa telo la, tenpo pi mani mute la, tenpo pi mani ala la, mi tawa lon poka sina. mi en sina li jo e kon wan e sijelo wan. mi toki lon e ni: tenpo ni la, tenpo ali la, mi pana e olin mi e pona mi tawa sina.

meli li toki sama tawa ona:

mi [nimi meli] li wan e mi e sina [nimi mije]. tenpo pona la, tenpo ike la, tenpo suno la, tenpo pi anpa telo la, tenpo pi mani mute la, tenpo pi mani ala la, mi tawa lon poka sina. mi en sina li jo e kon wan e sijelo wan. mi toki lon e ni: tenpo ni la, tenpo ali la, mi pana e olin mi e pona mi tawa sina.

wan pi nanpa tu

tenpo ni la, jan lawa pi nasin sewi li toki e ni:

mi mute o toki tawa jan sewi!

jan mute li toki anu kalama musi e ni:

jan sewi Konsewi o weka e walo tan kon sewi.
jan sewi Suno o suno lon ali.
jan sewi Selisuli o pakala ala e ona tu.
jan sewi Kasimoku o suli e ona tu.
jan sewi Mun o, tenpo pimeja la o suno.
jan sewi Telosuli o, tawa lon telo suli sina la o pona.
jan sewi Kontawa o pana e kon tawa len ona. o lete e lawa ona tu.
jan sewi Makasisuli o pana e pimeja tawa ona tu.
o weka e ike tan ona tu.
jan sewi Kamapona o pana e pona tawa ona tu.
jan sewi Olinunpa pi sike pi kiwen jelo o wan e ona tu.
jan lili nasa en jan anpa nasa o lawa e ona tu tawa pona.
tenpo ni la ona tu li kama tawa wan lon olin.
mi mute li wile e ni: tenpo ni la, tenpo ali la, ona tu li pona ni.

Section from a text: In this way one unites a woman and man

Section one

Now the priest gives the circlet of gold to the man. (The priest blesses the circlet of gold.) The man gives it to his woman. The man says:

I [man's name] unite myself and you [woman's name]. In good times, in bad times, in sunny times, in rainy times, in times of much money, in times of no money, I go at your side. I and you have one soul and one body. I say truly: Now and always I give my love and my goodness to you.

The woman says the same to him:

I [woman's name] unite myself and you [man's name]. In good times, in bad times, in sunny times, in rainy times, in times of much money, in times of no money, I go at your side. I and you have one soul and one body. I say truly: Now and always I give my love and my goodness to you.

Section two

Now the priest says:

We shall talk to the gods!

The people say or sing:

Sky-god, remove the whiteness from the sky.
Sun-god, shine on life.
Fire-god, hurt them not.
Crop-god, make them grow.
Moon-god, shine in the night.
Ocean-god, when one travels by sea, be calm.
Wind-god, put air in their sails. Cool their heads.
Forest-god, give them shade. Remove evil from them.
God of good-fortune, give them blessing.
Love-god of the golden circlet, unite them.
Little strange people and little deep people, guide them to goodness.
Now they begin to go together in love.
We desire this: now and always, they should be thus fortunate.

[ Full Description | Grammar | Vocabulary ]

Θywǵø – Jonathan North WashingtonSmooth English

ðiǵ pśuk dój haðíǰa luzwø: θunðøk zóm θunðøt θa haǵ haðíǰa pśiǵ

reǵ sænði luzwø

fukθø po rer, guǵsø θeǵje θermen θa ýajrk θirfon, θunðøk śið rajzdit. θunðøt śið rajzdit θunðøk, daǵ:

has [θunðøt haðíǰa sim] zóm haǵ po [θunðøk haðíǰa sim]. fukθø herse, śejśe, θermen, fesθef, tuŋgø, tungø la rer has haðíǰa jajkkø śea kajjiǵ pjikæ po. po śelæ pśú daśpø reg, túẃ reg dar. pajk po: po haðíǰa suθnu sænði herse θa has śið fukθø po rer, fukθø zæ rer rajzðit pśikæ po.

θunðøk śið eśæð sænði daǵ θunðøt:

has [θunðøk haðíǰa sim] zóm haǵ po [θunðøt haðíǰa sim]. fukθø herse, śejśe, θermen, fesθef, tuŋgø, tungø la rer has haðíǰa jajkkø śea kajjiǵ pjikæ po. po śelæ pśú daśpø reg, túẃ reg dar. pajk po: po haðíǰa suθnu sænði herse θa has śið fukθø po rer, fukθø zæ rer rajzðit pśikæ po.

śiǵ sænði luzwø

θæθæ epo sænði daǵ θirfon:

ýajnðikθ tajmij po śelæ!

epo sænði daǵ ú hæhæ θunðu śelæ:

daśpo śí śin θa ðajśi tajmij daśpo śesm tæn.
zæ śið śin tajmij śin śesm tæn.
śæð śelæ θa mig la tajmij tuknø heððe śesm tæn.
heððe tajmij tajmij śæð śelæ, kussøm śesm tæn.
ðumjø rer śin tajmij ðese śesm tæn.
has sænði heððe dar tajmij ðuggøǵ, túẃ ðuggøǵ śesm tæn.
śæð selæ haðíǰa ðuǵnø θa zajfr pśú śið, ruspø θa śeffe pśú śið, zufrø θa rajzðit tajmij zufrø śesm tæn.
śæð śelæ śið śejśe herse rajzðit tajmij zútú śurnø śesm tæn.
śæð śelæ θa mig hæðiǵ śíð kajfir tajmij.
śæð śelæ śið herse θa rajzðit tajmij herse dar śesm tæn.
śæð śelæ θa kajlg śið haǵ tajmij guǵsø θermen haðíǰa suθnø zóm pøpæ keśm tæn.
śæð śelæ θa ðefne śið rag tajmij θunðu śeśe zóm θundu pśesre.
fukθø epo rer, suθnø śea kajlg zóm haǵ tajmij śæð śelæ.
fukθø epo rer, fukθø zæ rer, epo θa herse tajmij tajmij śæð śelæ.

Part of a longer story: how man and woman are joined/united

First part

At this time, the priest blesses a hard golden ring, and gives it to the man. The man gives to the woman and says:

I [name of man] join myself with you [name of woman]. In good, bad, bright, empty, rich, and not-rich times, I will go along by your side. We have one body and one soul. I swear: now and forever, I will give you my love and goodness.

The woman says the same to him:

I [name of woman] join myself with you [name of man]. In good, bad, bright, empty, rich, and not-rich times, I will go along by your side. We have one body and one soul. I swear: now and forever, I will give you my love and goodness.

Second part

Then the priest says this:

Let us pray!

(The) people say or laugh this:

"Soul" deity, remove the whiteness from the soul.
"Sun" deity, shine down on everyone/everything.
"Great Fire" deity, don't harm these two.
"Vegetable" deity, let these two grow.
"Moon" deity, shine at night / when it's dark.
"Ocean" deity, let the water be big like you.
"Wind" deity, give wind to blow their clothes and chill [their] heads.
"Forest" deity, give shade for them.
Protect them against evil.
"Well-being" deity, give goodness to them.
"Love and Sex" deity of the gold ring, bind them to each other.
Young person and short person, lead them to simplicity.
Now they will begin to join one another in love.
Now and always, let them do this well.

[ Full Description | Grammar | Vocabulary ]

Calénnawn – René UittenbogaardSmooth English

Tésvo fítro.

Ley o gíxe bánxa be qúmpatme zévo spis:

Muy dudáyge-qoy!

On ifúrti sobésse scu bánxa be qúmpatme zévo spis:

O daróš nalástuduv péðëe cówlo-qoy f-áycibos cor péðëe.
O daróš nalástuduv ingúded lúxci-qoy sum cas ífna f-hinátibi.
O daróš nalástuduv smig hi bóza-qoy biw.
O daríš nalástuduv ánteðel qóy-qoy so qána.
O daróš nalástuduv itánëa húrme qat on áffiba.
O daróš nalástuduv vérno, h qúba prohíru-qoy qána sínu sónnti.
O daróš nalástuduv éynu lúxci f-éynu, úrne on ušúlu cso-qoy, sno o viw órpil fuféltu-qoy.
O daróš nalástuduv írðo lúxci-qoy f-òfer-úyxo xu bési.
Lénta-qoy biw num h ðelc.
O daróš nalástuduv ófiber lúxci-qoy f-ófiber xu bési.
O daróš nalástuduv vàla-folšálëe vàla-šàlëe-qóy-qoy biw traq.
Anc ifúrta drámor éyve ifúrta dráhir-qoy biw supé h vicípibe.
Búlor máfo vàla-folšálëe-qoy traq.
Bési qoy-qoy son ófer, máfo sno gol ífna.

Second part.

Then the priest speaks and says this:

Let us pray!

The people laugh or speak and say this:

Let the deity called "soul" gain whiteness of soul.
Let the deity called "sun" give brightness to everyone.
Let the deity called "fire" not harm them.
Let the deities called "plant" do great [things].
The deity called "moon" works until darkness.
The deity called "sea", let the water be as big as you.
Let the deity called "wind" give wind, so that the head [sic] be cold,
and their clothes may flutter.
Let the deity called "tree" give good shadow to them.
Protect them from danger.
Let the deity called "goodness" give goodness to them.
Let the deity called "marriage" have them marry each other.
May a short person with a young person lead them to comfort.
May they now marry each other.
Let them do this good [thing], now and always.

[ Full Description | Grammar | Vocabulary ]

Proto-Drem – Kevin UrbanczykSmooth English

Wentamawana Mba Nimabob’ana



Iŋabeb Nimanisaŋombandebintig
Intana Nimag’úmeŋ’oloŋg’ed
Njerənimanisanjes, Buhub gbe jawaj’ade
Ŋ’abarənimanisaŋ’aandeh gbe Njabibanturiŋi
lajagbogeŋkám gbe Baŋkombudu

The 2nd part

Next, the priest speaks and says this:

May we pray!

The person speaks and says this:

The god of souls gained the whiteness of the soul
The god named INGADED gives brightness to all
The fire god does not harm them
The plant god gives until it is great
The god named INTANA works until the darkness comes
The sea god has great water like you
The wind god gives the wind, so that the head and clothing flutter.
The tree god gives good shade and protects them from danger.
The god of good gives goodness for them.
The god of love gives love to each other
The short person guided the young person and they are (both) comfortable
They now love one another
They do good, now for always

[ Full Description | Literal | Grammar | Vocabulary ]

Kontaxta – KineticSmooth English

Ama kaivi kosta: samexumma taxte.


Teula taxte:

Eselo si esela yneavo zoesela lekie.
Iqapepy eselama eki teuloki yneava volne.
Lyvelaesela volnes kotoy,
vakataeselama kuta katanuvonoo.
Intana eselama anateina matu lase.
Sylonaeselama sylona meu teine.
Vuilaesela vuila volne niko mesa ny saleza xiyle.
Tuykaesela zuvea volne kutoki vysia askane.
Leitaesela kutai leita volne.
Aliaesela eki teulai alia volne.
Kyli teula lisva zouke, kolome,
ina aliame,
eki meno kotoy leite.

Next, the second part: the Shaman speaks.

Let's sing!

A person speaks:

The spirit-spirits receive your spirit of brightness.
The spirit Iqapepy gives brightness for everyone.
The fire-spirit won't attack them
as long as the plant-spirit gives.
The spirit Intana works until it gets dark.
The sea-spirit takes like the sea.
The wind-spirit gives wind, making heads and clothes wave.
The tree-spirit gives shade and protects them from danger.
The good spirit gives them goodness.
The loving spirit gives love to everyone.
Small people lead children, and they are calm,
They love one another,
They are good people, for all time.

[ Full Description | Grammar | Vocabulary ]

qangr gurzbekugteq – LegbiterSmooth English

ek kvarda rzezr: qangonuk dzoRoted


qangr nededzugteq:

rezegnuk tangr tangteq glizteddanob tangteq petteq.
rzenguk iqapapteq tangr glizteddanob droz nedendzugteq,
dzovukmeg zebteq tangr beGob.
komd broghuklmeg qoRqoRteq tangr beGob.
edemuk tangr itanateq, biz demuk kregekr.
Roghuk gurztedbozteq tangr gurztedbozgz
dzovuk garakteq tangr garakob, quid gorduk vodnok qengr ek begoqugr.
dzovuk krzeteq tangr zozorob ek kreguk umdz vez kzadbek,
dzovuk aradanteq tangr aradanob umdz.
dzovuk korddanteq tangr droz nededzugdz.
qRoquk lenkbekugdz ek kepepudz, telreguk vodnok beGbek umr
ek dzagoguk kordreq umr ziR
ek arauk zamdak

And now the second part: magical tongue

Let us sing!

Spirit of spirits receive the brightness of your spirit.
The spirit of Iqapep receives the brightness of all men.
While the plant spirit doesn't give it
if the fire spirit would not fight it
The spirit of Itana works until night
The spirit of the lake works in the manner of the lake
The spirit of the wind gives wind sot that the head and clothes are blown upon
The spirit of the tree gives shade and protection from danger
The spirits of goodness give goodness to them
The spirit of love gives love to all men.
They lead weak men and children, make them calm and forces them to love each other
And it is good forever

[ Full Description | Grammar | Vocabulary ]

iljena – Pete BleackleySmooth English

nsaka fraga : inkena

awnis wense!

eljen ispeka:
abarte ebret ftana etves ebret, eqpep abarte often tlata eljen.
uburutu birt ekjew bruto ahawme ksata ensed uburutu baret hawem.
hops ejten ebrot teluf hput.
hiwm akawge ubret.
epwer birt pawra ikepato.
edned birt umbari abrito ijerm eparl.
ekraj birt ukrej ajarme.
esneg birt tlata alajne.
uhiwem ipenj iteld tahle.
hwima jorem ijerm.

The second part : Magic speaks.

Let us sing!

The language of the Leyen:
The spirit recieves the spirits light for your spirit, Qpp's spirit receives the light for all Leyen.
The spirit does not give the plant's spirit to him if fire's spirit does not fight him.
jtn's spirit works until night darkens.
He give's the lake its spirit.
The wind's spirit gives the wind which blows on our heads [see translator's note].
The tree's spirit gives shade and protects them from danger.
Virtue's spirit gives them virtue.
Love's spirit gives to all Leyen.
He guides the weak and the children, and comforts them.
He makes them love each other.
Virtue endures.

Translator's Note: The previous version decribed the wind as "blowing on our heads and clothing". However, Leyen don't wear clothing, as it would interfere with their vibrissae.

[ Full Description | Grammar | Vocabulary ]

Kamakawi – David J. PetersonSmooth English

Ka Itiva: Ilu'a.

A noala uei!

Au oala emi ti kalaka.
A li féneka ie imawawa ti'ia. A li féneka o Képepe ie imawawa tiu emi uila.
Oku kakava féneka ie féneka o kalele. E pote i amo oku.
A ove féneka o Tyétene ie kolu.
E li i féneka e nevi ie iolu.
A hevaka féneka o hevaka iu neki.
A notole féneka o kapolo ie féneka ti opeku.
A li féneka o eyana i eyana e nevi i uamo.
A li féneka o eli i eleumi e nevi iu emi uila.
E emiale ie mali ulu ti kopu una.
E elile i upea.
A hala'i eyana ima!

Second Part: A Chant.

Let us sing!

Humans speak language.
The spirit obtains your twilight. Kepepe's spirit obtains the twilight of all humans.
The spirit does not set the plant's spirit on fire. It doesn't fight it.
Tyetene's spirit dissipates the darkness.
S/he gives a spirit to the lake.
The wind's spirit blows through one's hair.
The tree's spirit protects the spirit from danger.
The spirit of goodness gives goodness to them.
The spirit of love gives everything to all humans.
It guides the weak child with a gentle hand.
It causes them to love.
Virtue lives on!

[ Full Description | Grammar | Vocabulary ]

mabri – Clayton CardosoSmooth English

yu du nala: yomazo

kadjo yomazon!

djo ga ze man buma.
so groprin hejodohe ga taze.
so ga ze-Képepe groprin hejodohe ga ni ga ze.
so ku zyafon so ga ve.
ku hwon la.
so ga ze-Tyétene zyayunekun heku.
zyaprin so po txiwa.
so fwetxodrin djo ga krotxohi.
so ga vegyo zyagwokun so.
so ga kimrakye zyaprin kimrakye po ladjo.
so ga no zyaprin ni po ni ga ze.
lyon kyo du voku po txote du gebro.
zyanon ladjo.
kyu kimrakye xikun!


If you have this, please submit to Henrik.

[ Full Description | Grammar | Vocabulary ]

Regimonti – Scotto HladSmooth English

Lu seşu duzu: Unu canşu


Les privatus valiun una linegua.
Lu spiritu aşèpè tu crèpuşu.
Lu spiritu de Képepe aşèpè lu crèpuşu de şeşus privatus.
Lu spiritu non aturè lu spiritu dea plante.
Eu um non agonu.
Lu spiritu de Képepe dişuşè lu obşuru.
Eu det lu spiritu atu lacu.
Lu spiritu muvè les pilus.
Lu spiritu dea arbe prutègè lu spiritu.
Lu spiritu deu règu det lu règu at os.
Lu spiritu dea amore det pante at oņus privatus.
Eu agu lu pèvulu tèru uda men alma.
Eu os faşe amar.
Ce règu vivie!

Part Two: A song

Let's sing!

People speak a language.
The spirit receives your twilight
The spirit of Képepe receives the twilight of each person
The spirit does not light the spirit of the plant
It does not fight it.
The spirit of Képepe dispels the darkness
It gives the spirit to the lake.
The spirit blows the hair
The spirit of the tree protects the spirit.
The spirit of virtue gives virtue to them.
The spirit of love gives everything to every person.
It leads the delicate child with the gentle hand.
It causes them to love.
May virtue live!

[ Full Description | Grammar | Vocabulary ]

Nindic – Elliott LashSmooth English

Ceiad menin: al velleg
Ieder neben...
Hai, coerioth neich no ddein.

'Cereger gogorad lith e menalen
Cereger Elaer iómm ddan, e menalnad.
Ger ffaeddedi al ogor gorm nos erthín.
Ger hegi ni nachen aw.
Oeddochor Elaer herendrad.
Athar ni gorm in (go nalen) penos i owen.
Ethiadar gogorad ma senuäd
Rhoffor gogorad iath, onos i noerín.
Athar gogor nos iod, iodas penoddos.
Athar gogor no vir iómm rai peno neich no ddein.
Oborar ni i gathen boed gos i ho thelaen
Hifoeth athanad tai nellad no vir
Ieder lithi iodas! '

The second portion: a song
Let us sing...
And moreover, all men shall speak.

'The Angel understands you in twilight.
Alarie understands each man, in twilight.
An Angel does not kindle the soul of plants.
But, she does not fight it.
Alarie breaks the darkness.
She gives her soul (by light) to the lake.
The Angel blows against the hairs.
The Angel, through the trees, guards us.
The Angel of youth gives youth to them.
The Angel of love gives everything to all people.
She supports the tender child with a nurturing hand.
And so, giving them the gift of love.
May youth live!'

[ Full Description | Grammar | Vocabulary ]

Neimalu – G.V. PietersonSmooth English

Stöka deþidža wemboþua.

Inu wemberdaþ oþjumed:

„Tsüskjor þeikjiðukjaujos am pariruem saulöt.
Am pariruem saulöt, Alaria xitar kaljan skižilaxtos.
Tsüskjor lüs zawajar plamzus waspios,
dem asar lüs motidegivea;
mörkjaš Alaria ujos.
Doletaš beiritea zawajumed agus;
tsüskjor kazeðos an wagzum démus;
tsüskjor démar širmos bagemitranön;
tsüskjor muodiðet kravtiðr deimé žasmos;
tsüskjor eskiðöt dei xitum ei bežmum kaljas eskiðr žasmos;
xixar anstan degivea ganzumed selbus méðan mesuem ladus:
Anu žasmeruba anstiðöt.
Jek pioþ keizerdaþ!"

The second part: a song.

That everyone shall sing, and say:

"The angel reaches out for you in the twilight;
In the twilight, Alarie understands everyone.
An angel will not give life to a plant's soul,
nor will she prevent it.
Alarie fights the darkness.
She lights up the lake with her soul;
The angel blows through our hair;
The angel guards us through the trees.
The angel of youth gives us vitality;
The angel of love gives love to everything and everyone;
She helps to raise the good children by hand.
This is their gift of love.
Let life be virtuous!"

[ Full Description | Grammar | Vocabulary ]

Iuthan – Matt LaporteSmooth English

Ito cal illin vast.

Mervo harol larn arvitite:

"Athme tiril bi liharo.
Bi liharo, allele tiril ishallin.
Gariti tiril firiipiu iin,
Sehapa tal in;
Hesba tiril eban,
Issi tal arassan ipiu iite,
Iritti tiril iupiu addin;
Fariite tiril estesse firiin;
Tilla tiril baban irrabam;
Tilla tiril iissin ishallipio irbiripio;
Ito bibil ittissin bi orosso;
Ito cal aterran,
Athettissiru cal!"

This is the second piece of music.

Man sings this story with hope:

"The angel speaks during the sunset.
During the sunset, the angel understands everyone.
The angel awakens the forest's soul,
You do not stop her;
The angel battles darkness,
You will brighten the depths with her soul,
The angel passes through our hair;
The angel watches over the forest from afar;
The angel gives youthful strength;
The angel gives love to everyone and everything;
The children are kind during their maturation;
This is a gift,
Let us hope it remains!"

[ Full Description | Grammar | Vocabulary ]

Rokbeigalmki – Steg BelskySmooth English
  1. dhaz-a íto uz -- solgn-a suddu-a.
  2. mald-a oza-solg sha'gub-a sa'jhoulg:
  3. "ailzh izoi-guvdhab sa'dratz raflet-a.
  4. sa'dratz raflet-a, ailzh-a iza-kevent sha'ilzao.
  5. izoi-dagafsa za'ailzh sha'âîlzeiâûrdzaasht-a,
  6. i iz -- ish ezoi'nyih-daleghiid;
  7. ailzh-a izoiza-fiizhag sha'raflep-a,
  8. i ezoiza-dacharzad sha'naurpm-a tzi-a ya'ailz,
  9. i iza-dratz za'ailzh-a tzma kuhval;
  10. ailzh-a izoi-hail nga'pratzpm sha'aurdzaasht-a;
  11. izoi-dal za'ailzh-a wa'lihrdhm tzmuh tzrus;
  12. ailzh-a izoi-dal sha'iip wa'ilzao wa'ilhao;
  13. íto -- bar sudati sa'dratz gaheist-a uhz;
  14. dhaz-a íto uhz -- dal-adn,
  15. i dhaz ii-iltao!"
  1. this is Ito -- the second song.
  2. the [male] human is singing the message with hope:
  3. "a [female] power speaks through the sunset.
  4. through the sunset, the [female] power understands everything.
  5. she, the power, wakes up the forest life,
  6. and her -- you cannot stop her;
  7. the [female] power is constantly fighting the darkness,
  8. and you are constantly brightening her underworlds using a soul,
  9. and she, the power, is passing our hair;
  10. the [female] power protects the forest from faraway places;
  11. she, the power, gives to youths their strength;
  12. the [female] power gives love to everyone and everything; (or: ' every actor and every object')
  13. Ito is a friendly child through the time of maturation;
  14. this is Ito -- a gift,
  15. and this is forever!"

[ Full Description | Grammar | Vocabulary ]

Klingon – Philip NewtonSmooth English
  1. «'Iyto' DelmeH». bom cha'DIch.
  2. loD, yItul! 'ej mu'meyvam tIbom:
  3. «narghDI' Hovmey, jatlh HoSghajwI'.
  4. narghDI' Hovmey, Hoch yaj HoSghajwI'.
  5. ngemmey qa'pu' vemmoH HoSghajwI',
  6. 'ej ghaH DabotlaHbe'.
  7. ram Hurgh ghob HoSghajwI',
  8. 'ej qa'lI' Dalo'taHvIS ram DawovmoHlaH,
  9. Durachmo' HoSghajwI'.
  10. ngemmey Qan HoSghajwI'; 'ellaHbe' novpu'.
  11. QupwI'pu'vaD HoSchaj nob HoSghajwI',
  12. 'ej HochvaD parmaq nob ghaH.
  13. nenchoHbogh puq ghaH 'Iyto''e'; jup ghaH 'Iyto''e';
  14. nob ghaH 'Iyto''e'.
  15. reH qaSjaj ghu'vam!»
  1. "About Ito". Second Song.
  2. Man, be hopeful! And sing these words:
  3. "When the stars appear, a power speaks.
  4. When the stars appear, the power understands everything.
  5. The power awakens the spirits of the forests,
  6. and you cannot prevent her.
  7. The power fights against the dark night,
  8. and when you use your spirit, you can brighten the night,
  9. because the power invigorates you.
  10. The power protects the forests; foreigners cannot enter them.
  11. The power gives youngsters their strength,
  12. and she gives romance to everyone.
  13. Ito is a child who is growing up; Ito is a friend;
  14. Ito is a gift.
  15. May this situation occur always!"

[ Full Description | Grammar | Vocabulary ]

Nesheti – Tony HogardSmooth English
  1. Tuwiya vehami Itaus.
  2. Daskinke nadestak, antuzal, is uvehanke slaumalak kun:
  3. "Anda fitaril yamlanzi, seluse davuf tarehizi.
  4. Anda fitaril yamlanzi, seluse davuf paranazazi panketak.
  5. Seluse davuf ruthupazi businyutuluk,
  6. is hala maginunzi nata meshatun adek.
  7. Seluse davuf baruzazi nestek danku,
  8. is ukuhilaba ates ekretazi businyutuluk,
  9. va wipel, ge amid seluses davuf.
  10. Seluse davuf uluwazi lesitelek. Vustefel triyahanzi nata.
  11. Seluse davuf beskizi antuzalan newa amidak halas,
  12. is an beskizi panketan astifak.
  13. Itau esazi dumu mayanzikeve. Itau esazi genzuf.
  14. Itau esazi edaha."
  15. Puz esantu yenza brepana.
  1. The Second Song of Ito.
  2. Have hope, people, and sing these words:
  3. "When the stars appear, the Great One speaks.
  4. When the stars appear, the Great One understands all.
  5. The Great One wakes the spirits of the forest,
  6. and they cannot stop him.
  7. The Great One battles the dark night,
  8. and his brightness tames the spirits,
  9. because of the Great One's strength.
  10. The Great One protects the forests. Strangers cannot enter.
  11. The Great One gives the young people their strength,
  12. and he gives love to all.
  13. Ito is a growing child; Ito is a friend;
  14. Ito is a gift."
  15. May it always be so.

[ Full Description | Grammar | Vocabulary ]

Limciela – Jim TaylorSmooth English

La musa seconda de Itáu: Hasi speir, o xems, e cantasi eica berva: «Pam li stelas aparecen, una persona fort parla. Pam li stelas aparecen, una persona fort compremde ómna. Una perona fort suxita li meliades de la silba, e nom lè poson impedír. Una persona fort punia la noic oscura, e sua lux dòma li meliades de la silba, a causa de la fortitúd de la persona fort. Una persona fort defende la silba. Li peregrins nom dintran. Una persona fort dona a li xems iubéms sua fortitúd, e dona le amór a ómnes. Itáu es infám crexém. Itáu es un amíc.» Itáu es un don. Domp eices res serán semp posíviles.

Itaus's second song: Have hope, people, and sing these words: “ When the stars appear, a strong person speaks. When the stars appear, a strong person understands everything. A strong person awakens the forest spirits, and they cannot to stop it. A strong person fights the dark night, and its light tames the forest spirits, because of the strength of the strong person. A strong person protects the forests. Strangers do not enter. A strong person gives young people their strength, and gives love to all. Itau is a growing child. Itau is a friend. Itau is a gift.” Thus will these things always be possible.

[ Full Description | Grammar | Vocabulary ]

Kash – Roger MillsSmooth English

andrinjura kuró itauwi: endo tovakri, a kaçila, rinjuraki kota taç:

añoloç çutikas, çindi kacarek. añoloç çutikas, tanjañ kacarek yunoç. kacarek rundaku naniyakilan ta yan pole irundakop. kacarek mepu tenar yam ondre oramba, hayani mepu tenar yam naniyakilan, ombi alo acareki kacareki. kacarek rundusok leyalni añange. Kacevala ta ciyundet. kacarek rumele ana injile acarekni, rumele kaç yunole sisani. itawu ana re çumando, itawu kambra. itawu amele. sañ yunoç yunda pomeputo.

The Second Song of Itáu Have hope, O ye people, and sing these words:

When the stars appear, a strong person speaks. When the stars appear, a strong person understands all things. A strong person awakens the elves/spirits of the forest, and they cannot impede him. A strong person fights the dark night, and his light battles the spirits of the forest, because of the strength of the strong person. A strong person defends the forest. Travelers do not enter. A strong person gives his strength to the young people, and gives love to everyone. Itáu is a growing child. Itáu is a friend. Itáu is a gift. Thus all things will always be possible.

[ Full Description | Interlinear | Grammar ]


February 20th, 2007
Comments? Suggestions? Corrections? You can drop me a line.