Ring B: 10/22: Xara

Jim Taylor
[ Relay 14 | Ring A | Ring B | Ring C | Conlangs | Participants ]
[ Xara | Smooth English | Grammar | Vocabulary ]

<< Jovian Darynese >>


gur xu fol jalan xu muniran omosmeyer a kelevasme go fenid xaremur.
munireviler sean a milonasme:
‘a orisme sojaran rojo xemej faloran xeye si ja rumas xo isme geon.
a orisme sojaran rojo xelen xeye xinover jilan si a koxas ismeyir.
a orisme sojaran rojo oxid xeye ismeyer si a jiyedas toviler dogereyilar ralaj.
a orisme sojaran rojo kelebol xeye jeviler si a koxas ismeyir.
a orisme sojaran rojo melen xeye xinover jilan si a koxas ismeyir dukoledol.
a orisme sojaran rojo kar yo xeye si da dogerisme.
a orisme sojaran rojo fujad xeye xinover hamolan si a koxas tugeyulmeyir.
a orisme sojaran rojo tinovajme xeyeme dukaner si a koxas ismeyir.
a orisme sojaran rojo sereyid xeye xarever jilan si a koxas ismeyir.
a orisme sojaran rojo sereyed xeye laner si na sifelinas si a sudelisme.
a munirevisme xe falerimer si da parisme.
a semelisme umosmeyer xore.
foler gur a xoreas.
gurer fol a xoreas.
a sudelisme xarever sifelin omosmeyir xu afol xu nafol. daru.’

Smooth Translation

An old religeous couple prepare to get married. They make the following prayer:

“ We are thankful for physical beauty: May it remain with us eternally.
We are thankful for the sun: It gives us good weather.
We are thankful for fire: It allows us to avoid the road to ruin.
We are thankful for the harvest: It gives us fertility.
We are thankful for the moon: At night it gives us good weather.
We are thankful for water: Without it we would die.
We are thankful for the wind: It provides favourable weather for ships.
We are grateful for the trees: They give us shade.
We are grateful for virtue: It gives us good luck.
We are grateful for grace: We hope that it will bring us a child.
We pray that we may go on a journey.
We begin to love eachother.
The man loves the woman.
The woman loves the man.
We hope to bring fortune to ourselves.
Today as well as tomorrow. Amen.”


There are no articles, definite or indefinite.

Nouns and pronouns take the suffix –me in the plural Nouns and pronouns decline with the following case endings:

Nominative no case ending
Accusative –er (sing.) –yer (pl.)
Genitive –ar (sing.) –yar (pl.)
Dative –ir (sing.) –yir (pl.)
Ablative –ur (sing.) –yur (pl.)

Prepositions take the nominative case.

Adjectives usually end in –an. They do not use plural or case endings and follow the noun(s) they qualify.

Adverbs usually end in –ol. Note that when this ending is added to nouns denoting time periods (day, morning, night etc.) the meaning is slightly different from the english ‘day-ly’ etc. eg. ‘fol-ol’ – ‘in the day, by day’.

Verbs are made up of a tense indicator followed by the verb stem with the pronoun ending attached as a suffix.

The following tense indicators are used in this text:

a (present tense)
da (conditional tense)
ja (imperative)
The following pronoun endings are used in this text:
-isme (first person plural)
-as (third person singular)
-asme (third person plural)

Often the tense indicator is preceeded by a mood indicator. The verb stem on its own acts as the infinitive. The mood indicator ‘si’ is used in two ways:

1) to show continuous action
2) in all relative clauses (whether the action is continuous or not)

Word oder is as follows:

object (adjective) – subject (adjective) – verb – adverb/ relative clause

Note that the realtive clause always follows the main verb, even though the subject of the realtive clause may be different from the subject of the main first clause (indeed the subject of the relative clause is often the object in the main first clause! – context and verb endings usually clarify what the word ‘xeye’ refers to).


a present tense indicator
afol today (adv.)
da conditional tense indicator
daru so be it, amen (excl.)
doger die (v.)
dogereyil destruction, ruin (n.)
dukan shadow, shade (n.)
dukoled night (n.)
falerim trip, journey (n.)
faloran corporal, physical (adj.)
fenid join (v.)
fol woman, four, day (n.)
fujad wind (n.)
geon always (adv.)
go to, in order to (conj.)
gur man (n.)
hamolan favourable (adj.)
is first person (pron.)
ja imperative indicator
jalan good (adj.)
jevil fertility (n.)
jilan good (adj.)
jiyed allow, let (v.)
kar water (n.)
kelebol harvest (n.)
kelev prepare, ready (v.)
kox give (v.)
lan child (n.)
melen moon (n.)
milonasme say, tell (v.)
muniran pious, religious (adj.)
munirev pray (v.)
munirevil prayer (n.)
nafol tomorrow (adv.)
omos reflexive pronoun
or be (v.)
oxid fire (n.)
par do, make (v.)
ralaj avoid (v.)
rojo for, because of (prep.)
rumas stay, remain (v.)
sean this, that (adj.)
semel begin (v.)
sereyed grace (n.)
sereyid virtue (n.)
si progressive/ relative mood indicator
sifelin bring (v.)
sojaran thankful (adj.)
sudel hope (v.)
tinovaj tree (n.)
tovil road, path (n.)
tugeyul ship (n.)
umos reciprocal pronoun
xarem marriage (n.)
xarev luck, fortune (n.)
xe that (conj.)
xelen sun (n.)
xemej beauty (n.)
xeye which, who (relative pronoun)
xinov weather, climate (n.)
xo with (prep.)
xore love (v.)
xu and (conj.)
xu ... xu both ... and (conj.)
yo without

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February 19th, 2007
Comments? Suggestions? Corrections? You can drop me a line.